Special Hālau Information

With the start of our Hālau in 2003, you can imagine the plethora of information, photos and videos in our library archives. Rather than load much of this information on the public website, those files are listed here for our Hālau to review and enjoy.


The following videos were filmed by Carl Schmidt of LightformFilms:

Check back for more information and photos to be posted.



There are many ways you can kokua (help) our Hālau. If you haven’t signed up for one of the following committees or tasks, please choose one and submit your reply by clicking on the Volunteer button below. Your continued support is appreciated. Mahalo nui loa!

  • Decorations Committee

  • Hōʻike Store Committee

  • Food Committee

  • Ticketing Committee

  • Silent Auction Committee

  • Marketing/PR Committee

  • Highway Trash Pick-Up (dates to be announced)