BEGINNERS HULA starting May 1, 2025

KĀNE (Menʻs) HULA - ongoing classes

BEGINNING ʻUKULELE starting May 1, 2025

ʻŌLELO HAWAIIAN LANGUAGE starting June 1, 2025

Review the description of classes below. Please use the Contact Us page if you have any questions. Mahalo!


Choose the hula class that best fits your desire and abilities. Each class moves at a different pace, depending on the students’ abilities. Not sure which class is best for you?

Contact us!

Location: Cottonwood - Mountain View United Methodist Church, 901 S 12th Street in the Verde Room

Beginners Class

Open to the public - for women & men ages 15 & older: Learn basic hands and feet movement to a descriptive Hula. Initial course runs 6 weeks, cost $48.00, payable in full at the first class. No dance experience required. There is only ONE beginners class per year. Class begins on May 1, 2025 - Thursdays 5:00pm - 6:00pm held at the Mountain View United Methodist Church in the Verde Room.

Class dates: May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, June 5, 2025

NOTE: Entry into this class after May 1, 2025 requires instructor approval. No refunds for missed classes.

Beginners II Class

Open to the public-for women ages 15 & older based on one year hula experience and with instructor approval. Thursdays 6:15-7:15pm held at the Mountain View United Methodist Church in the Verde Room. Cost: $8.00 per class, payable monthly.


Intermediate, Kūpuna and Kāne Classes

Location: Cottonwood - Verde Village Property Owners Association Clubhouse (VVPOA) Main Hall - 4855 Broken Saddle Drive

Classes held on Wednesdays

Directions: From eastbound Hwy 260, at the traffic signal, turn left at E Del Rio Drive or westbound Hwy 260 at the traffic signal, turn right at E Del Rio Drive. Turn left on Spanish Rowel which veers right onto Diablo Drive. Turn left on Rock Trail. Turn right on Broken Saddle Drive. VVPOA Clubhouse will be at the end of Broken Saddle Drive.


The following classes are held at Verde Village Property Owners Association (VVPOA) in the Main Hall located in Cottonwood.

  • Intermediate Women’s Hula

    For women ages 15 & older: $15.00 per class, payable monthly. Prerequisite: 2 years previous hula experience and Kumu Hula approval. Wednesdays 4:30-6:00pm

  • Kūpuna (Senior Citizen) Women’s Hula

For elders age 60 plus - classes are open entry. $8.00 per class, payable monthly. Please call to find out the best date for your first class. Wednesdays 3:00-4:00PM

  • Kāne (Men’s) Class

For men ages 16 and up: $8.00 per class, payable monthly. Men’s hula is slightly more rigorous than that for women. Some say that the hula steps have their origins in Hawaiian martial arts. Wednesdays 6:30 -7:30 PM

Please contact Kumu Chrisman through our Contact Us page.

Advanced Women’s Hula Class

For women ages 15 and older - $15.00 per class, payable monthly. Prerequisite: 6 years previous hula experience and Kumu Hula approval.

Please contact Kumu Chrisman through our Contact Us page for approval and class location.

Prescott Valley Classes

For Men and Women ages 15 & up: One select Saturday per month. View class dates at the Prescott Valley Parks & Recreation website (see link below).

  • ADVANCED HULA: 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM on a select Saturday. You must have at least 6 years of previous hula experience to enter this class and Kumu Hula approval. The cost for this class is $50.00.

  • BEGINNERS HULA: Contact us to be put on a Waitlist. Must have 5 - 7 serious students to resume beginners hula.

To register for Prescott Valley hula classes, visit Prescott Valley Parks & Recreations catalog page. Click on the Performing Arts tab. Choose Hula and register the class you would like to enroll in. You will have to create an account if you don’t have one. Payment is done online with your credit card.

If you have more questions, please contact Kumu Kēhau through our Contact Us page.

Flagstaff Classes

If you are interested in future Flagstaff hula classes, please contact Kumu Kēhau through our Contact Us page.


Beginners Hawaiian ʻUkulele Classes

May 1, 8, 22 & 29, 2025 - Thursdays 3:30pm - 4:30pm

2019 ‘Ukulele Class taught by Kumu Hula Kēhau Chrisman

2019 ‘Ukulele Class taught by Kumu Hula Kēhau Chrisman

Kumu Hula Kēhau Chrisman offers beginning classes in Hawaiian ʻUkulele and are open to those beginning students who want to learn to play the ʻukulele or want to continue their ʻukulele lessons from the previous year.

Classes are progressive with one lesson built upon the next. The course runs 4 weeks and the cost is $36.00 for the 4-week course. No refunds for missed classed. Please bring your own ‘ukulele, paper, pencil/pen. Optional: music stand, tuner. Please contact Kumu Kēhau through the Contact Us page if you are interested in attending this class.

Location: Cottonwood - Mountain View United Methodist Church in the Sycamore Room located at 901 S 12th Street.

ʻUkulele haumāna (students)

ʻUkulele haumāna (students)

Kāne dance a special Mele (song) for their Kumu (teacher).

Kāne dance a special Mele (song) for their Kumu (teacher).

Da Kāne with Kumu

Da Kāne with Kumu



Hawaiian Language Classes

June 5, 12, 19, 26, July 3, 10, 17, Aug 7, 2025 Thursdays 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Hula portrays the words of a mele (song) in a visual dance form. The majority of Hawaiian music lyrics are in the Hawaiian Language (ʻŌlelo). To gain an enhanced understanding of the language, Kumu Kēhau offers an extensive course in learning the Hawaiian Language (ʻŌlelo).

Beginning Hawaiian Language classes are progressive with one lesson built upon the previous one. The initial course runs for 8 weeks, and the cost is $8 per session, payable in 2 payments of $32.00 or a full payment of $64.00. No refunds for missed classes.

There will be an option to continue weekly classes if the class demands it.

Location: Cottonwood - Mountain View United Methodist Church in the Sycamore Room located at 901 S 12th Street.

ukulele graphic.jpg
2018 Arizona Aloha Festival - rehearsal

2018 Arizona Aloha Festival - rehearsal

AZ Aloha Festival rehearsal

AZ Aloha Festival rehearsal


Interested in Joining Our Hālau?

Our Hālau Hula (Hula School) welcomes new students (haumāna) to learn hula, ʻukulele, Hawaiian language (ʻŌlelo) and many types of Hawaiian Cultural lessons.

Hula Is Life